There are so many channels of influence in our children’s lives and we know that in order for our children to develop character that really matters, we need to invest in teaching them what is important. But HOW? We have so much on our plates as parents just to make sure our kids have their physical and emotional needs met. We work hard to demonstrate what it looks like to be men and women of character but is that enough?

Launching Ground is designed for the specific purpose of giving parents a guide and providing a community for launching true leaders into this world. We know how busy life is so this has been created in a way to give you flexibility and a simple framework so you can make the most of whatever time you have with your kids – even if it isn’t much. Launching Ground will empower you and your family to be immersed in character development throughout the week every week of the year.

We are here with you focused on developing our children to become world-changing leaders!

Why this works

Mission & Vision

Statement of Faith

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