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– Sharing the truth in a compassionate way –

Some people say everything they think is right but they don’t think much about how it makes others feel.  Some show great kindness but they don’t feel comfortable talking about anything that could hurt someone’s feelings even if there is truth to it.  God asks you to do something very difficult – to share the truth but to do it with love.  Sometimes there is something very difficult or uncomfortable to talk about but it is important for your friend to know about it.  Learning how to talk about that with your friend in a loving and kind way is important.  Those conversations don’t always go the way that you want them to go but speaking the truth in love is the best for you and the people around you.

The most important thing to talk with your friends about in a loving way is the forgiveness of Jesus.  The truth is that everyone who dies without knowing Jesus will not live in heaven.  They will be apart from God where there is pain and suffering forever.  It is pretty important for everyone to know that there is hope and forgiveness so that they can live in paradise forever.  Talking about God and a relationship with Him is the most important information that everyone needs but it has to be done with love and compassion.

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” – Ephesians 4:15 (NLT)

  • What type of person are you:
    • Is it easier to share the truth without having much love or to be kind and caring but not share hard things?
  • What is a time someone spoke the truth in love to you?
  • Who is a person you can speak the truth in love to this week?
  • As you think about how you will talk with that person, what are some parts of the conversation you can think and pray about to make sure you speak the truth in love?
  • Why is it important to speak the truth in love with others?
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  • Talking to people about what matters most in a kind way
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How to Speak the Truth in Love Part 1 –