– Wanting to help and even suffering with others when they don’t have something they need – 

Compassion is caring for others and loving them the way you care for your own needs.  When others are feeling sad or hurt, a person with compassion feels sad for them and tries to find a way to help.  Jesus had compassion on us and that is why he came to die for you and for me.  He knew we were lost and needed his help.  He loves to see when we have compassion on others and help them out too.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)

Week 1: Kindness
Week 2: Loving Your Enemies
Week 3: Sacrifice
Week 4: Speaking the Truth in Love
Week 5: Friendliness